In 2001, I opened Stepping Stone Rehab, Inc with the vision and goal of creating a physical therapy environment where the patient and the care they received would be the number one focus! Although I work extensively with orthopedics, sports injuries, chronic pain and neurological deficits, my passion is with pelvic health. The pelvic floor muscles along with our breathing is literally the ‘core’ of our being able to function each day. It is our foundation for stability that gives us mobility through our shoulders and arms, right down to our feet. My knowledge of Pelvic Health greatly influences my treatment approach to other conditions from the young athlete to the weekend warrior!
One of the reasons I love being a physical therapist is that no two people are alike and the challenge of finding the missing puzzle pieces, that once restored, would improve someone’s quality of life. We all are unique with different histories and goals which makes it important to have a customized plan of care for your condition. I have studied many evidence-based practice techniques so I have a variety of resources to pull from to treat your condition. Eclectic in my approach but what works for one, may not for another. I accept the challenge of finding your missing puzzle pieces and I am eager to help you in the rehabilitative process to reach YOUR goals.
A question I am often asked is “How did you ever get interested in treating pelvic health?” Well, it goes back to 1997 when I was pregnant with the first of my four children. I would ask many questions to my providers. I was never really satisfied with the answers I was given and so I started doing research. There was a whole new world that even as a physical therapist at the time, really didn’t know much about. What was it? The Pelvic Floor Muscles. I started reading and going to as many courses as possible to learn as much as I could about this new world. Quickly, I realized that there was a whole patient population that was unfortunately left to go untreated with treatable conditions, such as urinary incontinence or pelvic pain. I felt the urgency to learn as much as possible to educate patients and physicians that there is another conservative treatment option available, pelvic health physical therapy!
There will always be opportunities to continue my journey of learning the latest research and evidence-based practice. I have helped hundreds of patients over the years, and I am constantly learning from you, that’s right, YOU, the patient! I have always said, it takes a village to raise a family, but it also takes a village to ensure you have the best possible response to treatment. My staff and I work hard to ensure good communication between you, your physician and us!
Physical therapy should be FUN! Let us help you discover how physical therapy can help achieve your goals!
The dry stuff, for those who are interested in my training:
- Integrative Dry Needling Foundation Course- Pain Management and Sports Rehabilitation by Integrative Dry Needling, Solon, OH
- Diaphragm/Pelvic Floor Piston Module 1 by Julie Wiebe, Online
- Bowel Pathology, Function and Dysfunction and the Pelvic Floor by Herman & Wallace, Bangor, ME
- Dynamic Foot and Ankle by Institute of Physical Art, Asheville, NC
- Leaky Gut, Autoimmune Disease & Diet by CE International, Asheville, NC
- Biomechanical Assessment of the Hip and Pelvis by Herman & Wallace, Durham, NC
- Visceral Mobilization I, Upledger Institute, Asheville, NC
- The Pelvic Girdle, Jackson Seminars
- Total Motion Release, Raleigh, NC
- Releasing the Psoas by Cross Country Education, Asheville, NC
- Craniosacral Therapy by Upledger Institute, Asheville, NC
- Pelvic Floor Level 3 Advanced Function, Dysfunction and Treatment by Herman & Wallace, Durham, NC
- Mobilization of Visceral Fascia for the Treatment of Pelvic Dysfunction by Herman & Wallace, Kansas City, MO
- Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction and Treatment- Intermediate PF 2B by Herman & Wallace, Durham, NC
- Colorectal Dysfunction, Coccyx Treatments and the Male Pelvic Floor PF2A by Herman & Wallace, Durham, NC
- Shoulder and Knee Evaluation and Treatment Course by Kevin Wilk, Charlotte, NC
- Pediatric Pelvic Floor Function, Treatment and Dysfunction by Herman & Wallace, Durham, NC
- Intermediate Therapy for Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions by APTA Section on Women’s Health, Overland Park, KS
- Jones Strain Counter-strain, Charlotte, NC
- Shoulder Complex Assessment and Interventions, MAHEC, Asheville, NC
- Myofascial Release, John Barnes, Asheville, NC
- Getting to the Bottom of the Pelvic Pain Puzzle, by APTA Section on Women’s Health, Charleston, SC
- Pregnancy and Post-Partum, by APTA Section on Women’s Health, Raleigh, NC
- Introduction to Pelvic Floor Function, Treatment & Dysfunction, Raleigh, NC
- Spinal Evaluation and Treatment, Duane Saunders, Raleigh, NC